Fur Bubbles Pet Soap
Pet Soap
Available in 30 grams (Php 50), 60 grams bar (Php 75) and 100 grams bar (100)
Madre de Cacao extract, Neem Extract, Pure Coconut Oil (5% superfat), Tea tree Oil, Sodium Hydroxide, Water
Madre de Cacao is used as a rodenticide (rat poison) for ages by farmers and rural households. As a parasiticide, madre de cacao can actively rid of ticks, fleas and mites on dog' or cat's fur without being toxic to the host. This may be the reason why it comes in as the best treatment against both demodectic and sarcoptic mange (itch).
Neem Oil - provides relief from assorted conditions and also used for the skin treatment of pets. It can be the best alternative to medications to repel fleas, ticks, and other parasites as it is not toxic for dogs or cats.
Tea Tree Oil - when used properly in dogs can heal dry, damaged skin, kill yeast, kill fleas and scabies, and soothe the itchy skin caused by airborne allergens.